Sunday, April 8, 2012

Plants, plants, everywhere! (Yum yum yum yum yum)

She's cute, isn't she?  So sweet and innocent, curled up in a little ball...awwww...But don't let her fool you!!!  She's actually truly vicious; with tearing claws, gnashing teeth, a ferocious devouring stomach--you should be very scared!!!

...if you're a plant.  

Yes, folks.  Kitty is a plant killer.  And I've learned the hard way.  I've been brought close to tears when I've gone to check on the little tiny plant-ling that I've been caring for, nursing along--only to find it gone--absolutely and entirely eaten.  And Kitty nearby purring with pleasure.  Plant-lings are her favorite.  And the jade plants; must be a texture thing.  

Anyway, first reacting with sadness and pity ("why me--why do I happen to adopt a plant-eater-cat?!?!?!"), I changed my approach and turned it into a project.  To try and find the answer to the question:  how to keep Kitty from eating my plants.  Extra challenge:  unlike dogs (the animal I'm more accustomed to), kitties can jump--high--making the usual solutions like "put it on the shelf" still unusable.  

Here's what I came up with:  A terrarium, and hanging plants in jars!

Any other solutions out there?  Please and thank you!!

1 comment:

Les Wes said...

Katie, those look awesome! I love it!